Gate Cards/Security

Raintree is a gated community. New Property Owners will receive two gate cards, and Residents will have the option to purchase up to 10 additional gate cards for $25 each. You will also need to purchase stickers for your vehicles, golf carts, and boats with the proper documentation shown in that section.  All names must be on the deed.  Where there are multiple names on a deed, business is conducted with the first two names listed.

There are entry and exit gates at the front of Raintree where Plantation splits off Column, at the corner of Ridgecrest and Plantation, and at the back just past the Country Club. Each entry gate requires use of a gate card. Gate codes are issued only on specific holidays as indicated in the Security Policy.

Anyone driving through or knocking down a security gate will be captured on camera and will be subject to a censure of $250 plus the cost of repairing the gate. Guests and deliveries may enter through the guest access system at the rear gate. Residential property owners must register your two chosen telephone numbers, which need to belong to the first two names on the deed, with the POA office in order to use the access system. The phone numbers will be entered into the security system, and you will receive two 4-digit codes, one for each phone. When a guest enters the code into the access system, that phone will ring. You push 9, and the gate opens for the guest and the call disconnects. It is recommended that your guest call you prior to approaching the gate so you can open the gate immediately and avoid blocking the entrance. See the Security Policy for more detail on how to use the access system.

Gate Cards/Security
Category: General
Gate Cards/Security
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