Click below to find answers to our most frequently asked questions!


POA assessment bills are mailed in May and are due July 1.  Amounts are determined by the Covenants Section 3F and can be changed only by vote of Property Owners.  They are based on the property you own, as follows:

Residence on single lot      $402.00

Residence in Raintree Forest     $524.00

Vacant Lot – $226.00

Vacant Lot – Raintree Forest         $331.00

Each Adjacent Lot merged with first lot through Jefferson County       (reduction of 47%)

Assessments must be current to make purchases, registrations, and vote.  Delinquent assessments are sent to Collection and are subject to penalties and interest.  Additional gate cards and the visitor access system are turned off on August 1 for delinquent assessments.

You can pay your upcoming year’s assessments monthly (or quarterly) by setting up a payment to City & Village Tax Office, LLC on your bank’s bill paying functionality.  Divide your annual assessment across the number of payments you set up, and a check will automatically be issued from your account and sent to City & Village Tax Office, LLC. Call the office if you have questions, although you will need to manage setting up the payment yourself with your bank.


Category: General

Raintree is a gated community. New Property Owners will receive two gate cards, and Residents will have the option to purchase up to 10 additional gate cards for $25 each. You will also need to purchase stickers for your vehicles, golf carts, and boats with the proper documentation shown in that section.  All names must be on the deed.  Where there are multiple names on a deed, business is conducted with the first two names listed.

There are entry and exit gates at the front of Raintree where Plantation splits off Column, at the corner of Ridgecrest and Plantation, and at the back just past the Country Club. Each entry gate requires use of a gate card. Gate codes are issued only on specific holidays as indicated in the Security Policy.

Anyone driving through or knocking down a security gate will be captured on camera and will be subject to a censure of $250 plus the cost of repairing the gate. Guests and deliveries may enter through the guest access system at the rear gate. Residential property owners must register your two chosen telephone numbers, which need to belong to the first two names on the deed, with the POA office in order to use the access system. The phone numbers will be entered into the security system, and you will receive two 4-digit codes, one for each phone. When a guest enters the code into the access system, that phone will ring. You push 9, and the gate opens for the guest and the call disconnects. It is recommended that your guest call you prior to approaching the gate so you can open the gate immediately and avoid blocking the entrance. See the Security Policy for more detail on how to use the access system.

Category: General

Each vehicle you use in Raintree should have a sticker to show you are an owner. New vehicle windshield stickers should be immediately affixed to the lower driver side of your windshield. Color of the sticker changes annually to show you are a current owner and have the right to park on Raintree property. Vehicle stickers must be replaced each year by April 1st.   Your assessments and any other amounts due to the POA must be paid and current to purchase a sticker.. If your vehicle sticker is not up to date, your vehicle will be booted/towed from any POA area. To get your vehicle stickers, bring these items to the POA office:

  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Current Automobile Registration, Current Automobile Insurance card
  • $25 per vehicle

Boat and trailer stickers are due April 1st of each year and are also color-coded for each year. To get your boat/trailer stickers, bring these items to the POA office.

  • The title
  • Current registration
  • Current proof of marine liability insurance

Boat stickers are currently $100 each and are due April 1st  each year. Jet Ski stickers are currently $125 each.   If you are born after January 1, 1984 you are required to have a Boater Safety Card.  Assessments and any other amounts due to the POA must be paid and current before stickers will be issued. Golf carts are allowed on Raintree roads as long as they are truly golf carts built for the purpose of being used on a golf course. To obtain a golf cart sticker, take the following documents to the POA office.

  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Picture of your golf cart

Golf cart stickers are currently $25 and are due to be renewed April 1st each year. Assessments and any other amounts due to the POA must be paid and current before stickers will be issued. Golf carts may be driven in Raintree only by licensed drivers and with the current year’s sticker affixed to the windshield.

ATVs, side-by-sides, go-carts, and off-road toys are not allowed in Raintree and will be subject to a censure.

Boat, Jet-Ski, Golf and Auto Stickers are non-transferable.

Category: General

The campgrounds and pavilion may be rented only by Property Owners. You must be in good standing to rent either (no overdue assessment or censure amounts due to the POA.)

To rent a campsite, select the campsite you prefer, and fill out the Campground Agreement form at the POA office. The Campground is $15 a night for a tent or $25 a night for a RV. There is a $75.00 deposit for camping reservations, and there is also a $25 deposit for the Bath House key. (Deposits will be refunded after site inspection and bath house key is returned.) Please return the key to the POA office in the drop box downstairs. After the key is returned and the site inspected for damage or litter, you will receive your deposit back.

To rent the pavilion, fill out the Pavilion Agreement form at the POA office. The rental is $50 for a day. There is a $75.00 deposit for pavilion reservations. (Deposits will be refunded after site inspection.) Confetti and water balloons are not allowed. Use of confetti or water balloons will result in forfeiture of your deposit. After the site inspected for damage or litter, you will receive your deposit back.

Category: General

The POA office is open and staffed on this schedule:

  • Tuesday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm
  • The first and last Saturday of each month from 9 am to 1 pm

If you need to drop off payments or documentation, you can deposit them in the night deposit box behind the office in the lower parking lot. The box is caged to prevent loss of any papers or envelopes. You can also make requests or ask questions by emailing Office@RaintreePOA.net The office telephone number is 636-797-3434.

Category: General

The Raintree By-Laws and Covenants establish an elected 9-person Board of Directors whose task is to manage the subdivision based on the Covenants and needs of the community. Committees of other volunteers and Chaired by Board members focus on specific needs such as Roads, Security, Rules, Architectural Control, Communications, Golf Carts, Lakes and Beaches, Community Events, and others, as needed. The small office and maintenance staffs are the only paid participants in maintaining Raintree. All other work and decisions are executed by volunteers. The POA Board meets at 7 pm on the third Monday of each month. Property Owners are encouraged to participate and stay knowledgeable by

  • Listening to monthly Board meetings, which are live-streamed and posted for later viewing
  • Signing up for informational emails at Contact Us, RaintreePOA.net
  • Monitoring the RaintreePOA.net website for announcements and a library of documents and information
  • Monitoring the Raintree POA Community Facebook page
  • Reading newsletters for accurate information about elections, etc.
  • Volunteering on Committees in which you are interested, most of which meet monthly but assign work as needed
  • Voting in the September Annual Election for Board members and Covenant/By-Law changes.
Category: General

Raintree Property Owners expect the community to be well maintained and compliant with Covenants and By-Laws. The Board and Committees are charged with responding to every complaint about breaches of compliance. Censures apply in many cases, as you can see in the Rules manual. Property Owners are advised to review the Rules manual to avoid inadvertently subjecting themselves to penalty.

Unpaid censures are treated like unpaid assessments, and may legally compromise your rights to use of Raintree amenities.

Category: General

There are a number of organizations within Raintree focused on bringing people together for the purpose of fun and socialization. The oldest and most popular of these is the Home Owners Association (HOA) which meets and plans monthly events for members. Contact the HOA to join and open up a new world of neighbors and friends.

Raintree POA maintains a Facebook page called Raintree POA Community where you can track announcements, reminders, links to meetings, and information you need.

There is also a Nextdoor Raintree page where anyone with a Raintree address can join and unofficially share information across neighbors. See the New to Raintree link for more.

Category: General

Because of rights to amenities, Raintree lots carry value, but it can be hard for buyers and sellers to find each other. The RaintreePOA.net website has added a page where lot owners interested in selling their lot(s) can list them for review by prospective buyers. Use of this posting is available at no cost, whether the goal is neighboring owners wishing to expand their boundaries, anyone interested in lake or Country Club options, or someone interested in building a home in Raintree.

Jefferson County also owns lots that have been surrendered for tax delinquency, and their website can link prospective buyers to those lots. See Raintree Property for links.

Category: General

Any change in Covenants or By-Laws requires a vote by Property Owners.  The nine Board members serve 3-year terms and are elected to the Board by Property Owners.  To run for the Board, a Property Owner (either a home or lot owner) must be current on all Assessments/Censures and must submit a brief introduction (75 word maximum) to him/herself in paper form delivered to the office to the attention of the Board Secretary by July 1.  See the Spring newsletter for more detail.

As directed by the By-Laws, the Annual Meeting is held the third Sunday of each September.  Property Owners have five days prior and at the meeting to vote.  The Annual Newsletter in early August details the ballot items and includes a brief resume for each Board candidate as well as an explanation of where and when voting can occur.

The polls are generally at the POA office.  Volunteers staff the polls, and a Board member oversees the locked ballot box.  The key is held by our Accountant during the election period.

A Property Owner gets one vote for each item on the ballot.  A family or any co-ownership arrangement gets only one vote as the Property Owner.  Adjoined lots or multiple lots deeded the same get only one vote.  Property deeded differently would get a second vote.  (Example:  Property 1 is deeded to only one person but Property 2 is deeded to that person plus another person, so Property 2 also gets a vote.)

Votes are publicly counted after the Annual Meeting, and the results are posted/emailed that night.

By-Laws also allow the Board to request a Special Election if deemed necessary.  Notice of the Special Election would be distributed at least 30 days prior to the voting period.

Category: General

Because the Country Club is not a POA asset, memberships are billed and handled by the Country Club owners. 

Beginning in mid-2022 all lot owners are required to pay annual membership dues to the Country Club in addition to annual assessments to the POA. As detailed in the Settlement Agreement (Click this link to see the PDF for the 20200601 PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT) that was approved by the Court and the Appellate Court system, membership includes unlimited golf, use of the swimming pool, and use of the fitness center. Membership dues are controlled by the Settlement Agreement. Legally adjoined lots are considered a single lot for membership purposes. See the Settlement Agreement or contact the Country Club with questions.

Category: General
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