Lakes and Beaches

August Announcements – Please Read!

Thank you for your time and attention to the important announcements in this email which include: Autumn Lake Watering RestrictionAquatic Control is scheduled to treat the lakes on Thursday, August 29th.  It is anticipated that herbicides will be applied in Autumn Lake to address some weed growth. With the use of herbicides in Autumn Lake, there […]

Meeting Announcements

Tonight’s Lakes and Beaches Meeting is rescheduled to Thursday, August 8th @ 6pm at the POA Office.  There will not be a meeting on August 5th as previously scheduled. Members:  Kent Campbell-Chair, Desiree Rodriguez-Co-Chair, Briann Fink, Tim Fulkerson, Greg Kirkpatrick, Mike Newbury, Tom Selm, Mark Winchester AGENDA Closed Board MeetingWednesday, August 7th7pm @ POA Office […]

No Wake Lifted

NO WAKE LIFTED On Autumn Lake Friendly Reminders: Please be respectful of the NO WAKE Buoys in the Coves. Please Adhere to driving your boat a MINIMUM of 100′ from the shoreline to ensure safety of others. Please honor the orange flag for safety of swimmers in the water. Thank you for your cooperation.

Holiday Office Hours

Due to shortage in staff, the office will be CLOSED Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 4, 5, 6th.  We will be OPEN on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday July 1, 2, 3rd from 9:00-4:00 pm.  Please make arrangements to get necessary stickers, permits for camping, pavilion rental etc. taken care of by July 3rd. Friendly reminders:Please  adhere to a NO WAKE ordinance […]

Varmint Removal

ONE BEAVER CAUGHT FROM SPRING LAKE A SECOND ONE SNARED!   The second beaver was able to drag the trap and rod into the water.  If you see the animal, as it should appear somewhere soon, unless it made it back to its den.  If that’s the case it won’t survive.  Please alert Kent Campbell by […]

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