Republic Services Invoice


Did You Receive an Off Cycle Billing Notice From Republic Services?

If your answer is yes, the off cycle billing is from a contracted price increase.

In 2019 RPOA negotiated a contract and price for residential trash and recycling for the benefit of the community. This contract contains the scheduled price increase for 2023. (Note: there is also a price increase for 2024)

For many this price adjustment created an invoice due for under $1 for the current billing cycle. Any invoice under $1 will not work with Republic’s auto pay and online payment system.

In order to pay this invoice you will need to up the payment to $1 online. You will then have a credit for the next billing cycle. Otherwise you will need to call Republic’s customer service to pay over the phone. If you mail in your payments no further action is necessary.

Please do not contact the RPOA Office team regarding this matter.

The RPOA Board is working with Republic Services to time the 2024 increase with a full billing cycle.

Republic Services Invoice
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