Final Reminder – Annual Meeting and Election

  • Pre-voting – The POA poll is open Saturday, 9/17, from 9 to 1 at the POA office.  You can also vote Sunday, 9/18, from noon to 2 pm.
  • Annual Meeting – Sun, Sept. 18 starting at 12:30 and concluding with an Open Forum ending by 1:30 pm.  Ballot box opens at 12 noon and closes at 2:10 pm.
  • Voting Rules – A Property Owner gets one vote for each item on the ballot.  A family or any co-ownership arrangement gets only one vote as the Property Owner.  Adjoined lots or multiple lots deeded the same get only one vote.  Property deeded differently would get a second vote.  (Example:  Property 1 is deeded to only one person, but Property 2 is deeded to that person plus another person, so Property 2 also gets a vote.)
  • Good Standing – Assessments must have been paid in full by August 19 for a Property Owner to be eligible to vote in this Annual Election.
  • Results – Votes are publicly counted after the Annual Meeting, and the results are posted/emailed that night.
  • More info on Raintree Elections here: FAQs – Raintree Plantation (

Thank you.

Final Reminder – Annual Meeting and Election
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