Annual Meeting and Voting Results

There are four candidates for open Board positions, and there are two ballot items, as explained in previous newsletters.  You can watch introductions to the candidates and explanations of the ballot items on this link:  2021 Election Information – Raintree Plantation (

Pre-voting is currently in process during regular office hours through tomorrow (Saturday), as directed by the Covenants.  Voting  this Sunday starts at noon and ends at 2 pm.  The Ballot Box closes at 2:10.  The Annual Meeting will be conducted between 12:30 and 1:30.  We believe the meeting will be live streamed but a Zoom meeting will be set up if Derek is not available for the Annual Meeting.

The Board is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting specifically to observe the ballot count.  Property Owners are also welcome to observe in person as capacity allows in the POA meeting room.  Our accountant will bring the key to open the ballot box, and each ballot will be read aloud for four Property Owner volunteers to tally.  The reading of the ballots will again be witnessed by a local pastor.

Sunday night the election results will be sent by email, on the POA Facebook page, and posted on the website.  Results will also be posted at the Raintree gates.

Join this Zoom Meeting to watch the ballot count on your phone or computer:

Meeting ID: 893 5999 4258
Passcode: 676252

Annual Meeting and Voting Results
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