The Raintree By-Laws and Covenants establish an elected 9-person Board of Directors whose task is to manage the subdivision based on the Covenants and needs of the community. Committees of other volunteers and Chaired by Board members focus on specific needs such as Roads, Security, Rules, Architectural Control, Communications, Golf Carts, Lakes and Beaches, Community Events, and others, as needed. The small office and maintenance staffs are the only paid participants in maintaining Raintree. All other work and decisions are executed by volunteers. The POA Board meets at 7 pm on the third Monday of each month. Property Owners are encouraged to participate and stay knowledgeable by
- Listening to monthly Board meetings, which are live-streamed and posted for later viewing
- Signing up for informational emails at Contact Us,
- Monitoring the website for announcements and a library of documents and information
- Monitoring the Raintree POA Community Facebook page
- Reading newsletters for accurate information about elections, etc.
- Volunteering on Committees in which you are interested, most of which meet monthly but assign work as needed
- Voting in the September Annual Election for Board members and Covenant/By-Law changes.
Management of Raintree
Management of Raintree