Meeting Announcements

Tonight’s Lakes and Beaches Meeting is rescheduled to Thursday, August 8th @ 6pm at the POA Office.  There will not be a meeting on August 5th as previously scheduled.

Members:  Kent Campbell-Chair, Desiree Rodriguez-Co-Chair, Briann Fink, Tim Fulkerson, Greg Kirkpatrick, Mike Newbury, Tom Selm, Mark Winchester


  1. Clean Flo Update
  2. No Wake designation determination on Autumn Lake
  3. Soil and Water Conservation District (SNCD) recommendations regarding silt fence use

Closed Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 7th
7pm @ POA Office

Admin – Smith Management 


The Annual Election Newsletter will be sent to print later this week.  The newsletter is mailed to your address on file.  In this newsletter are the Board candidates and the final ballot items.  The newsletter will also be posted on the POA Website.

Meeting Announcements
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