POA Assessments were due July 1. This annual assessment funds all aspects of the maintenance of our community.
Any Property Owner whose Assessment remains unpaid on August 1 can expect all extra gate cards to be voided. Also, without a new vehicle sticker, you will not be allowed to park at the beach or boat ramp.
Any Assessments unpaid by August 20 will result in ineligibility to vote in the Annual Election.
Any Assessments still unpaid by September 1 will be sent to Collections, and the POA office will no longer be able to accept or credit direct payment. Collection fees will be the responsibility of the Property Owner.
If you are not able to pay your assessments in full by August 1, contact the POA office to make arrangements for payment to avoid being sent to Collections.
Anyone who is current with Assessments can set up installment payments for the 7/1/2022 Annual Assessment.