POA Board Updates

Trash Service:
Republic Services called and said they are on their normal trash schedule this week (in spite of the holiday.)  Put your trash out tonight or early tomorrow to be picked up.

Questions for the Board:
In the last several POA meetings, Property Owners have been invited to submit questions they might otherwise bring up in the Open Forum a week before the (July 18) meeting so an answer can be researched and provided.

Please submit your questions to the attention of Board Secretary (Deb Enderson) at the office or send them to RaintreePOABoard@gmail.com to have a response presented in the Correspondence section of the meeting.

Smoking at the Beach:
Numerous complaints have been submitted about smoking at the beach.  Please be considerate.  Nobody is asking that you not smoke, but please remove yourself from the crowd, and dispose of your cigarette butts in the trash, not the sand that children are running across.

Excerpt from the monthly HOA Gazette:
Over the last several years, residents have been clamoring for the POA to provide a “strategic plan” for the future of Raintree.  I’ve been collecting and tallying the potential amenities on the surveys that were sent out with Assessment invoices. A number of folks have refused to express their opinion on amenities we might add someday because they fear money will be withheld from other needs.  Don’t be afraid to tell us what you would like to see added.  If you didn’t turn in your survey, do it now. This is a long-term plan and still to come will be generating ideas for how to raise funds for adding to Raintree amenities.  We’ll keep paying the bills in the near and long-term future.

This first year of the assessment increase is projected to generate approximately $35,000 of additional income.  If you have listened to Treasurer Laurie Haller’s monthly finance reports, you know that even without including the 2021 final EPA road payment, we currently have $142k less than we did a year ago.  That $35k has to go toward paying the bills.  Our eye is still on the ball, and our strategic plan for the immediate is still to maintain amenities as best we can with the funds collected.

Deb Enderson, POA Communications Chair


POA Board Updates
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