Any change in Covenants or By-Laws requires a vote by Property Owners. The nine Board members serve 3-year terms and are elected to the Board by Property Owners. To run for the Board, a Property Owner (either a home or lot owner) must be current on all Assessments/Censures and must submit a brief introduction (75 word maximum) to him/herself in paper form delivered to the office to the attention of the Board Secretary by July 1. See the Spring newsletter for more detail.
As directed by the By-Laws, the Annual Meeting is held the third Sunday of each September. Property Owners have five days prior and at the meeting to vote. The Annual Newsletter in early August details the ballot items and includes a brief resume for each Board candidate as well as an explanation of where and when voting can occur.
The polls are generally at the POA office. Volunteers staff the polls, and a Board member oversees the locked ballot box. The key is held by our Accountant during the election period.
A Property Owner gets one vote for each item on the ballot. A family or any co-ownership arrangement gets only one vote as the Property Owner. Adjoined lots or multiple lots deeded the same get only one vote. Property deeded differently would get a second vote. (Example: Property 1 is deeded to only one person but Property 2 is deeded to that person plus another person, so Property 2 also gets a vote.)
Votes are publicly counted after the Annual Meeting, and the results are posted/emailed that night.
By-Laws also allow the Board to request a Special Election if deemed necessary. Notice of the Special Election would be distributed at least 30 days prior to the voting period.