2024 Candidate Profiles 1-7

Jerri Jean Hicks

Background·Resident since 1985·Previous full-term & interim board member experience(Infrastructure, Financial, Rules, CRC, Special Infrastructure Committee for purchase of CC, & HOA board)Community Minded Goals·Build back emergency case reserves (with 5/9 board member vote)·Use funds for necessary purchases only; limit lawsuits·Prioritize spending (needs over wants)·Communicate why rules exist and why they are essential·Increase Lakes & Beaches […]

Dave Getty

I am a retired auto worker since 2014 after thirty years with UAW/Chrysler. During the course of my employment, I spent seven years as a government affairs representative for the UAW. I have lived in Raintree since 1996. I’ve raised my children here and love this community. There’s nothing like Raintree in Missouri. I would […]

Eric C. Downs, MBA

AMS Controls, Project Manager, April 21’-Present: Organize, manage and execute installation of controls systems for roll forming machines both national and international. The job requires attention to detail, creativity, problem solving and conflict resolution. Brookside Contracting, Project Manager, March 15’-April 21: Generated estimates, coordinated with vendors, managed onsite logistics, and completed post completion financial analysis […]

Tanalyn Dollar

Raintree is at a critical crossroad. We need a trustworthy, bold team to deliver a strategic plan based on financial transparency, disciplined business processes, accountability and community collaboration. Performance-driven marketer, 20+ yrs diverse business experience, agile project management/automation. Champion for innovation and authentic relationships. Former Internet marketing manager, $7.2 billion company. Worked with cross-functional teams […]

Scott Clark

•29-year resident•There should be no censure (fine) without warning letter•The POA Office needs to be able to take payments and issue stickers for residents and lot owners•We need to work with the 5% increase we voted in the past•Jefferson County is offering a secure ballot box for this next election. Hopefully, the Board, with all […]

Karen Bell

Resident of Raintree since 1999 I have been a Clerk for the Jefferson County Courthouse since 1996 and have been a clerk for a judge since 2007. I believe there should be an outside audit, and more transparency of the assessment fees collected at Raintree (POA). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact […]

Kallen Bailey

57, from Des Moines Iowa, has a BS in Math from Iowa State University, as well as a MS in Statistics from Creighton University and an MS in Systems Engineering from George Washington University. Spent over 8 years in the active US Air Force as an Intelligence Officer before working for an aerial imagery company […]

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