Raintree Volunteer Network Project Opportunity

Hello Raintree Neighbors,

Thank you to those that attended the first meeting of the Raintree Volunteer  Network.  We tried to use  Google software for communications but  found out there would be fees associated with using it.  Therefore we  decided to keep it simple and use email for communications.   Information for upcoming projects will be sent from this email address  (rvn@raintreepoa.net).

Debbie Jefferson and Betsy Harlan have offered to handle the repairs  to our bulletin boards found at the gate entrances.  The materials for  this project were already purchased by the POA.

We are asking for help with mulching of the center island beds at the  front of the subdivision.  The mulch will be delivered to the POA  parking lot on Monday, October 9. Anyone who can help on Tuesday  and/or Wednesday, October 10-11, starting at 9:00am – 2:00pm when the  traffic in the area is lightest would be appreciated.  Please bring  rakes, shovels, gloves and a few wheel barrows will be needed.

Please respond to rvn@raintreepoa.net to let us know if you can help with this  project and what you could bring.  Also, if you could respond to let  us know that you received this message it would be appreciated.

A couple upcoming projects that we will be starting soon are roadside  trimming and cleaning leaves out of ditches as fall begins.  Please  feel free to share any additional ideas for projects we can add in the  near future.

Thank you for the commitment you are making to help make our community  a better place to live.  You are making a positive difference by your  actions.  Let’s hope it becomes contagious as others see the  improvements we can make.

Raintree RVN


Raintree Volunteer Network Project Opportunity
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