Register Your Yard Sale

Reminder –
Register Your Yard Sale

The Raintree Yard Sale is on June 19th from 7 am to 1 pm.  Your $10 registration is due in the POA office by June 12th.  The map with registered addresses will be available to Raintree residents on June 17 (after 1:00 pm) and June 18 at the office.

Volunteers will be at the front of Raintree on Yard Sale day to hand out maps and direct cars.  The volunteers will encourage patrons to begin their buying at the side gate or back gate, and not all at the front gate.  Hopefully, this will disperse the automobiles more evenly helping to avoid traffic congestion.  The gates will not open until 7 am. 

Those wishing to open their sale to Raintree residents on Friday are encouraged to let it be known.  It would be worth a drive around Raintree the evening of the 18th to see what sales deals you can get before the gates open Saturday morning. 

Happy Selling!!!
Yard Sale Chairperson

Register Your Yard Sale
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