Raintree Yard Sale:
The RAINTREE Yard Sale is June 11. Only 12 homes have signed up to hold sales, so we expect many of you are waiting. Don’t miss the June 7 noon deadline.
The gates will open at 7 am sharp for outsiders to come to our sales. Volunteers will be handing maps to those entering. All registered houses will be marked on the Raintree map. To have your home placed on the map, please give $10 to the office by 3 pm on June 7. Remember, there is a Dropbox in the door behind the POA office, lower level.
Maps will be available for residents to pick up at the office on June 9 from 1-3 pm or, from 9 am-3 pm on June 10. All money collected, less incidentals, will be donated to the Hillsboro Food Pantry.
Please do not try to give your check/money to Nancy Gau – take it to the office.
2022 Stickers:
Get your 2022 Boat Stickers and Golf Cart Stickers from the office and get them attached or risk being asked to leave the lake or beach and being assessed a censure.
Survey and Census Request:
The survey enclosed with the Assessment Invoices will drive what amenities we investigate first. Please take 2 minutes and give us that feedback so you have a voice in the next steps. Mail or drop it off at the POA office when you pay your Assessments.
Lake Patrol Boat:
The POA is urgently in need of two things for the new Patrol Boat: a pontoon-suitable trailer and a docking spot on Autumn Lake. If you have an option for us, please contact the POA office or Tim Fulkerson (or any Board member.)
Thank you.