Labor Day Brunch at the Pavilion

You Are Invited …

We have been asked to host an event for Property Owners to have a chance to ask questions about the ballot items and meet the candidates for the Board.  We thought it would be fun to mimic the Labor Day Breakfast events sponsored many times by the HOA.

Please join us at the Pavilion near the Autumn Lake beach between 9 and 11 am on Labor Day morning.  Bring breakfast/brunch food to share.  We’ll provide beverages and paper products. 

Most Board candidates and Board members will attend to be available for your questions and self-introductions.

This will be a social event to let you mingle with friends, neighbors, and Board members.

All Property Owners are invited.  Share this with your neighbors and get the word out.  There will be plenty of time for Labor Day fun even if you stop in for an hour or so to get acquainted and get answers to your questions.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Labor Day Brunch at the Pavilion
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