Welcome to the Raintree POA Election Central! As an essential part of our community, your participation matters. Here, you’ll find all the information you need about upcoming elections, voting procedures, ballot items, and how you can make your voice heard.
Stay informed about upcoming elections for the POA Board and ballot items. These elections determine the leadership and rules that will guide our community. Check this page regularly for announcements, candidate profiles, and election dates.
All of the owners of a fee interest in a lot in these subdivisions or in any other subdivisions or condominium development created in the vicinity thereof or adjacent thereto by the Grantor herein, or its assign, shall upon becoming a record owner of such a fee interest become a member of the Property Owners’ Association. REMOVE and have only one (1) collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member, to be cast in all matters requiring a vote. All votes must be cast in person. If lots are held by a legal entity only the designated representative of the entity may cast its vote. To vote a member must be in good standing as of 30 days before the date for the election. “Good standing” shall mean the member is current in all P.O.A. assessments. ADD Voting Rights: In all matters calling for a vote of the membership, a member who owns a lot without a residence on it shall be entitled to only one collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member, and a member who owns a lot with a residence on it shall be entitled to only two collective votes irrespective of the number of lots held by the member.
Multiple lots which are titled in the same names are only allowed one collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member. If a lot is held jointly only one vote may be cast by the joint members. To vote, a member must be in good standing as of 30 days before the date of the election. “Good Standing” shall mean the member is current in all P.O.A. assessments.
The vote may be cast among other things on such matters as assessments, amending, altering, or deleting the restrictions, or electing trustees or Board of Directors of the Property Owners Association and approving and amending By-Laws of any such Property Owners Association. All such voting must be done in person, and no proxy voting will be permitted. REMOVE and if more than one individual owns any lot, only one vote may be cast. It is clearly understood that any water and sewer system or Golf course or Club facility that may be installed shall not be subject in any way to the provisions of these restrictions, except as they provide for easements for such utilities, same shall be owned independently by private corporations.
This ballot item is to update the Covenants pertaining to voting rights. The voting rights are contained in both the by-laws and in the Covenants. A conflict was created between the by-laws and the Covenants with the by-law change voted in by the membership in the 2023 Annual Election. This ballot item does not alter vote of the 2023 By-law change. It is only to remove the conflict. If 2024 ballot item 1 or 2 fails, the By-law Article II Section 2 on Voting Rights will revert to the 2022 version as the conflict cannot remain in place.
Below is the 2023 Ballot Item result for your reference.
This by-law was approved 186 Yes to 110 No in 2023. Due to the conflict with the Covenant the Covenant is being updated.
In all matters calling for a vote of the membership, a member who owns a lot without a residence on it shall be entitled to only one collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member, and a member who owns a lot with a residence on it shall be entitled to only two collective votes irrespective of the number of lots held by the member. Multiple lots which are titled in the same names are only allowed one collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member. If a lot is held jointly only one vote may be cast by the joint members. To vote, a member must be in good standing as of 30 days before the date of the election. “Good Standing” shall mean the member is current in all P.O.A. assessments. REMOVE Section 2: Voting Rights: In all matters calling for a vote of the membership, a member who owns a lot without a residence on it shall be entitled to only one collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member, and a member who owns a lot with a residence on it shall be entitled to only two collective votes irrespective of the number of lots held by the member.
Multiple lots which are titled in the same names are only allowed one collective vote irrespective of the number of lots held by the member. If a lot is held jointly only one vote may be cast by the joint members. To vote, a member must be in good standing as of 30 days before the date of the election. “Good Standing” shall mean the member is current in all P.O.A. assessments. ADD Voting Rights are in Covenant section 4B.
Removing yea Rights from being in both the By-laws and the Covenants. The Covenants are the correct document for the voting rights. If 2024 ballot item 1 or 2 fails, the By-law Article II Section 2 on Voting Rights will revert to the 2022 version as the conflict cannot remain in place.
ADD 1k. All entrance into or exit from Raintree Plantation, by any motorized vehicle, including but not limited to, cars, trucks, motorcycles, and golf carts, shall be through roads in which Raintree Property Owners Association controls a motorized gate. Raintree Property Owners Association may provide written exceptions to this Covenant but is not required to. Further, this Covenant is not intended to limit the travel of golf carts and approved maintenance vehicles from entering and exiting Raintree Golf Course, assuming those vehicles originally entered Raintree Plantation through a motorized gate. This Covenant is intended to limit any entrance into Raintree Plantation through an enjoining lot that is not within the boundary of Raintree Plantation. Driveways or any other type of thoroughfare that adjoin a street not within Raintree Plantation to a street within Raintree by crossing the boundary line of Raintree Plantation are strictly prohibited.
Reason: The proposed language is added to prevent misunderstanding and conflict regarding ingress and egress into Raintree Plantation, and especially the purchase of lots adjoining Raintree Plantation, such as the lots currently available on Highway B.
Said assessment may be collected by suit, and by enforcing a special lien on said property. All delinquent assessments shall accrue a penalty of 2% per month compounded annually, which penalty may be collected and enforced the same as assessment. All delinquent assessments referred to a collection agency or attorney for collection, shall in addition to interest, have added to the outstanding balance, all costs of collection (either percentage or otherwise), attorney fees and costs of litigation, which may likewise be collected and enforced the same as provided herein.
Late fees are below current market rates. This ballot item stands separate from ballot item 5.
Proposed: The Raintree Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc. on July 1, 2025, and monthly thereafter, shall have the right to assess the owner of each lot such sum as it shall deem proper. The funds raised by said assessments shall be used for the improvement, betterment, upkeep, and maintenance of the development, including the amenities, lakes, dams, roads, park, or other properties which are of use to the property owners in Raintree Subdivision. Said fund can also be used for the purchase of property, both real estate and personal, the payment of salaries and fees, and purchasing of any sort of materials, services, or any other item that the trustees may deem useful for the development known as Raintree Plantation.
•Up to 2 Total Lots without Residence – $50 per month
•Up to 2 Total Raintree Forest Lots without a Residence – $100
•Up to 2 Total Lots with a Residence – $100 per month
•Up to 2 Total Raintree Forest Lots with a Residence – $150 per month
•Up to 3 Total Lots without a Residence – $125 per month
•Up to 3 Total Lots with a Residence – $125 per month
•More than 3 Total Lots without a Residence – $150 per month
•More than 3 Total Lots with a Residence – $150 per month
•Raintree Condominiums – $300 per unit annually (contracted at 50% of a lot without a residence rate)
•The definition of a lot is based on how Raintree Plantation POA recognizes lots per the original development plot maps.
•The assessment covers all lots owned by the owner under a common name on the deeds, up to eight (8) lots; up to (2) lots for Raintree Forest. Multiple residences in a common deed name are assessed per residence. Excess lot ownership will start another assessment at the appropriate level for the lot owned.
Lots that are not commonly named on the deed represent a separate vote and thus a separate assessment.
The all-in assessment will include:
•road replacement and maintenance
•bio-dredging for all four lakes
•improved security
•no charges for stickers (documents will continue to be required)
•no charges for the Pavilion rental (deposit will continue to apply)
•construction bonds will be fully refunded, upon satisfactory completion of the project per the ACC approved plans, without any administrative fees, except for new home construction, seawalls and boat houses
•enhanced online tools for property owners will be available
The new revenues will be spent per the five-year+ financial plan, assuming adequate assessment payments are collected. In the scenario where inadequate assessment payments are collected the POA Board must adhere to the minimum expense spent on the following amenities.
These Covenants will be changed accordingly with the majority vote of Ballot Item 5. These Covenants do not change if Ballot Item 5 does not gain a majority of the membership vote.
Covenant 3, 3a, 3i
Levy a Censure Assessment (Censure Assessment as used in this section shall mean an assessment subject to lien against the Owner’s land, directly related to violation of Covenants, restrictions or rules and regulations), after notice and opportunity to be heard, for a violation of the Governing Documents in such amount as the Board deems reasonable and in keeping with its predetermined published violation grid, taking into account the nature, duration, and other circumstances of the violation, but not to exceed $1000.00 for the violation and not to exceed $50.00 per day or per incident that the violation continues after notice and opportunity to be heard. Any unpaid Censure Assessment shall be additive to annual monthly assessments and be enforceable in the same manner as other assessments under these Covenants and Restrictions
The Board may submit a proposal for a Special Assessment to the Owners when there is a need for additional funds to preserve common property or to protect the interests of the community which shall be voted on pursuant to the methods set forth in Paragraph 4b. Voting may be at the annual meeting or a special meeting. The proposed Special Assessment shall identify the dollar amount, period of time and use of the proposed Special Assessment. Any and all Special Assessment funds shall be held in a separate designated account and shall only be used for the specific purpose. Upon approval by the membership, the Special Assessment shall be due no later than 90 days after written notice of said Special Assessment. Collection enforcement for nonpayment of special assessments shall be the same as those for annual monthly assessments under these Covenants and Restrictions.
Budgetary items at large.
•Approximately $12,000,000 to get roads up to standard. Once complete ~10 years, there will be a $200,000 – $500,000 need for maintenance.
•Approximately $1,500,000 to get the lake treated properly. This can be paid upfront or over a 5-year period with interest. The cost after implementation would be reduced cost for maintenance and support only approximately $125,000/year.
o $150,000 per year for security guard during evening and off hours. or
o $250,000 per year for security for 24/7 guards.
o $150,000 Upgraded Gates and Entrances with Enhanced Access control.
o Approximately $35,000 for Enhanced Camera support working with local police/government.
•Expense unknown – Catch basins for major waterways to lakes.
•If the All-In passes there is more room for donated products and labor for amenities or upgrades to Raintree if desired.
•Possible additional amenities:
o Expanded Beach
o Beach parking
o Storage lot for boats, trailers, and RVs
o Upgrades to live stream meetings
o Playground
o Upgrades to camping sites
o Mini Marina – short term storage, ice, fuel, etc.
The Architectural Control Committee shall be established and controlled by the Raintree Plantation Property Owners’ Association, Inc., or its successors and assigns. All plans and specifications must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee before building operations are started including but not limited to lot preparation for construction, road cuts, utility hookups or the like. There shall be no restrictions as to the cost of any residence, building or structure, but complete plans and specifications must be submitted for the approval of the Architectural Control Committee.
All building and construction in Raintree Plantation shall require a building permit issued by the Raintree Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc. The Board of Directors may, at their discretion, establish a regulatory policy to set the fee for the permit but same shall not exceed $7,000.00 $8500 per individual residence, divided between a maximum of $5000 from the property owner and $3500 to be paid by the builder for road cut repairs. The fee payment must be submitted in cash or equivalent to the Raintree Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc.’ s business office prior to the start of construction on any lot and the RPOA shall retain a portion of such bond permit, not to exceed $3000 $4, 500.00 for the Property Owner portion, to be placed in the general revenue funds Roads Fund for the purposes of assisting in the funding of capital improvements for the infrastructure such as roads, culverts, bridges, etc., affected by construction and refund the balance $2,500.00 of such $5,000 $7,000.00 bond. In addition, the RPOA shall retain a portion of the builder portion of the bond permit, not to exceed $1,000 $2,500 to be refunded twelve (12) months after road cut has been completed if the road cut is done satisfactorily. Or $3,000 if the If Roadcut is not satisfactory, the $2,500 portion is to be placed in the Roads fund for the purpose of repair of road crossing cuts and other damage to Raintree roads. Any owner, owning multiple lots shall comply with this requirement irrespective of the number of deposits, which have already been secured with the Raintree Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc.’ s business office. All buildings and landscaping must be completed within nine (9) months from the time of beginning construction (“beginning construction” shall be construed as no longer than three (3) months after plan approval), with a total limit of twelve (12) months to obtain an occupancy permit.
57, from Des Moines Iowa, has a BS in Math from Iowa State University, as well as a MS in Statistics from Creighton University and an MS in Systems Engineering from George Washington University. Spent over 8 years in the active US Air Force as an Intelligence Officer before working for an aerial imagery company and finally as a federal employee supporting the global mapping mission and the US Armed Forces.
Resident of Raintree since 1999 I have been a Clerk for the Jefferson County Courthouse since 1996 and have been a clerk for a judge since 2007. I believe there should be an outside audit, and more transparency of the assessment fees collected at Raintree (POA). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
•29-year resident
•There should be no censure (fine) without warning letter
•The POA Office needs to be able to take payments and issue stickers for residents and lot owners
•We need to work with the 5% increase we voted in the past
•Jefferson County is offering a secure ballot box for this next election. Hopefully, the Board, with all the transparency, should allow this.
Raintree is at a critical crossroad. We need a trustworthy, bold team to deliver a strategic plan based on financial transparency, disciplined business processes, accountability and community collaboration. Performance-driven marketer, 20+ yrs diverse business experience, agile project management/automation. Champion for innovation and authentic relationships. Former Internet marketing manager, $7.2 billion company. Worked with cross-functional teams implementing omnichannel communications. Previous roles: Dir of Tourism, Marketing Ops, Internet Marketing Mgr, Adjunct. MA + BA Webster University.
AMS Controls, Project Manager, April 21’-Present: Organize, manage and execute installation of controls systems for roll forming machines both national and international. The job requires attention to detail, creativity, problem solving and conflict resolution. Brookside Contracting, Project Manager, March 15’-April 21: Generated estimates, coordinated with vendors, managed onsite logistics, and completed post completion financial analysis for a landscape construction company who specializes in natural water features and retaining walls.
I am a retired auto worker since 2014 after thirty years with UAW/Chrysler. During the course of my employment, I spent seven years as a government affairs representative for the UAW. I have lived in Raintree since 1996. I’ve raised my children here and love this community. There’s nothing like Raintree in Missouri. I would like to improve what we have and bring our neighbors together. Raintree has much more potential.
·Resident since 1985
·Previous full-term & interim board member experience
(Infrastructure, Financial, Rules, CRC, Special Infrastructure Committee for purchase of CC, & HOA board)
Community Minded Goals
·Build back emergency case reserves (with 5/9 board member vote)
·Use funds for necessary purchases only; limit lawsuits
·Prioritize spending (needs over wants)
·Communicate why rules exist and why they are essential
·Increase Lakes & Beaches security to reinforce critical safety rules
I’ve lived in Raintree since 1993. I’ve served on previous boards over multiple years. I am a retired Head of Validation/Biomedical Engineer (Millipore Sigma, St. Louis). I have extensive experience in root cause analysis along with managing multiple people, tasks, and budgets. I’ve observed many changes during my time in Raintree, both good and not so good. I would like to offer support to the residents and further the growth and improvement of Raintree.
I have learned much as a Board member and plan to continue my dedication to Raintree. I will work for our community to enforce the rules and work with other committees to bring solutions to the needs of our growing community. I look forward to continuing to enforce the Covenants and By-laws. When elected, you will have a Raintree-educated, and honest board member that cares passionately about our community. Thank you for your trust.
Current Volunteer: Spondylitis Association of America, support group leader, 7 years SAA Program Initiative Panel Founding Member IMAS, Patient Advocate Panel, 4 years PBS Consumer Advocate Board, 4 years Previous nurse through COVID Lindenwood, Business Management Experiences: Subject matter expert on zoom, meetings, conferences and panels with hundreds of thousands of attendees About me: Fan of Roberts rules NO AGENDA Goals: Take things slower, give the voters more of a voice.
I am running for the board to get Raintree to its full potential. The board needs to be accountable, 100% transparent, honest, prioritize the needs of Raintree, allow owners to be heard, have office staff and keep everything in-house if possible. Find options for the needed road repairs, maintain/stock lakes and a rinse station at the beach. Pro community activities/events/leagues with minimal restrictions. I’d be involved in committees and create a couple more.
I’ve been a licensed real estate agent for 30 years and a broker for 11. I’ve built homes personally and been part of a team that built over 250 homes in Jefferson County.
I would like to see Raintree run smoothly with a budget to include roads, a maintenance department, an open office, great security, and a simplified agenda.
My name is Mikael Sweet and have lived in Hillsboro most of my life and as a member of Raintree Plantation for the past two years. I’m applying for a position on the board. I believe I would be a great candidate that will assist the board in defining a mission and purpose for the organization. I think my expertise would be a great asset to the board and members of this community.
Property owner 34 years, homeowner 26 years, POA Office Manager 11 years, previous board member 5 years. Board members need to get back to the basics, not spending YOUR MONEY as they wish. Have office staff handling more duties, keep finances in the plus column and more information in the monthly minutes, etc. I would be an asset with my past experience. Appreciate your vote.