If you have not received an email from us previously, we have combined our databases with the email address you provided to Raintree’s Office. MailChimp is the communication platform where you will receive the most up to date and important information from Raintree POA.
If you choose not to receive the emails, please click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of this email. Please do not call the Office as they cannot unsubscribe your email address.
Stay subscribed so you do not miss anything important to you.
The following excerpt was communicated through the January paper newsletter, which was mailed to all owners.
After this Newsletter, Only the Annual Meeting Notification will be Sent by US Mail!!!
As we seek owner input on Raintree business, the surveys used will only be available through a link that will be emailed.
Note: all communications are on the POA website at Raintreepoa.net. Click on the News Link near the bottom of the Home Page and the Raintree POA Community Facebook Page.