Security Committee


Jim McClung, Chairperson
Scott Clark, Co-Chairperson

Committee Selection in progress -> Stay tuned

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Oversee the functionality of the three sets of entry/exit gates and the systems required to operate them.
  • Manage the video camera systems at the gates and select locations around Raintree.
  • Hire and manage any Security personnel.

Email the Security Committee!

Click the button to email the Chair and Co-Chair of the Security Committee.

The Security Committee supports the POA Board by overseeing the functionality of the three sets of entry/exit gates and the systems required to operate them.  The committee also manages the video camera systems at the gates and select locations around Raintree.  Although our Security team is not a police force, they do review video recordings and work with Rules to assess censures when gates are knocked down and/or damaged. Security also oversees those who use the beach and boat ramp to ensure current stickers are in place and that rules and restrictions are honored.

Security Process – Gate Repair Reporting
When one of the gates has been knocked down or is malfunctioning, do not use Facebook or NextDoor to report gate malfunctions. These are social media platforms and are not actively monitored for subdivision work orders. Instead, please do the following:

During business hours contact the POA Office @ 636-797-3434 to alert maintenance.

Outside of business hours use the Incident Report form to alert the Security Committee.


Click here to report a Gate issue or any other security malfunction.

Security Committee meetings are announced as needed.

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