POA Board Meeting Monday (6/21/2021)

You are invited to join the June meeting of the POA Board Monday, 6/21.  The business meeting will commence at 7 pm, and the meeting will be open for live attendance as well as live streamed. 

The doors will open at 6:30, and seating will be first come, first served.  If it makes you feel more comfortable, wear a mask.  If you are not yet comfortable in such a setting or cannot be available at that time, you can watch the live streamed meeting or the recording.  Derek will post the meeting link on the POA Community Facebook page and on his Pryority Media Facebook page just as he completes his set up prior to the meeting.

Besides reports by each Committee Chair as well as New and Unfinished Business, topics on the Agenda include (but are not limited to) review of the suggestions received for Covenant and By-Law changes and determination of what items will be on the Annual Election ballot in September.

As always, the business meeting will be followed by an Open Forum during which Property Owner questions will be discussed.

Thank you.

POA Board Meeting Monday (6/21/2021)
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